God's timing leaves me amazed, overwhelmed, and speechless.
In June, we met in Germany live at LAM 2, and you introduced the School of Prophets, and I knew right away: this is my thing.
You challenged me from the very beginning, and I love that. Well, then the story with the ears started, and you were there for me daily - that was and is God's handwriting. I love it when I see afterwards how God planned and orchestrated everything in advance. Walking in His will, a perfect schedule - what could be better?
The Jakobsbrunnen, well, of course, Jesus, has changed my life in every aspect. Spiritually, I took off like a rocket, but I also changed as a person. It was possible because of your personal support - thank you!
Being obedient and willing is probably one of the most important requirements to move forward, and I REALLY want to move forward and learn everything that is possible. I'm like a burr, sticking close to you...
Getting to know Jesus better, meeting Him daily, talking with Him, getting to know His heart... it has changed me. I love those times with Jesus, and I want to go deeper and higher (or rather, go to heaven), yes.
There's so much kindness coming from you and Ute, encouragement, affirmation, acceptance...
God has a plan for my life, and I stretched myself towards it and want to walk in His will - and God has seen that and answered - big time. I'm extremely excited about everything that will come at Jakobsbrunnen!
CU = see you!